Our Tradition: Christmas Eve Candle Light Service

This is part of the series The Gifts Of The Holidays: Celebrating Thanksgiving And Christmas. Read more from the series!

My family has a tradition that I’d never heard of when I was a kid: Christmas Eve services.

The Gifts of Christmas

I first heard of this idea when I started my first youth ministry in El Dorado Springs, Missouri. We had a candle light and communion service on Christmas Eve. It was a completely new idea for me.

Here’s the basic concept: On Christmas Eve, churches gather for a special service, incorporating Christmas carols, candles, and communion. It’s brief, but very special.

As a kid, I’d never even heard of this. My family always spent Christmas Eve with my dad’s side of the family. If my church had one of these services, I never knew about it.

But now, it has become a very special part of our celebration.

I love the time it gives for my family to remember specifically the sacrifice that the baby in the manger came to be. It brings it home for us.

The Gift Of Forgiveness

This is part of the series The Gifts Of The Holidays: Celebrating Thanksgiving And Christmas. Read more from the series!

One of the most overlooked gifts of Christmas is the gift of forgiveness.

The Gifts of Christmas

It’s too easy to get caught up in the commercialization of Christmas is America:

  • The presents.
  • The shopping.
  • The parties.
  • The expectations.
  • The credit card bills.
  • The food.
  • The decorations.
  • The family.

We have managed to turn the focus of Christmas away from Christ and onto ourselves. We’ve made it all about us. What we want. What we want to give. Where we want to go. How we want to celebrate.

But that is not the reason to celebrate.

The Gift Of Acceptance

This is part of the series The Gifts Of The Holidays: Celebrating Thanksgiving And Christmas. Read more from the series!

Perhaps one of the most craved gifts of Christmas is acceptance.

The Gifts of Christmas

We have such a difficult time with this one, don’t we?

It’s easy to accept those who…

  • Are like us.
  • Have similar interests.
  • Exist in similar circles.
  • We want to be like.
  • Like us.

Fortunately for us, that’s not how God operates.

Imagine if he came to earth to save only the people he liked. Those he didn’t like would have no hope. Those who hated him would be destined for hell. Those who sinned would be out of luck.

That includes you and me.

That’s a hard scenario to imagine, but really, in God’s perfect justice, he would have the right to do just that if he wanted.

Thankfully, he chose to be loving and accepting instead.

Our Tradition: Family Advent Nights

This is part of the series The Gifts Of The Holidays: Celebrating Thanksgiving And Christmas. Read more from the series!

This year, we’ve started a new tradition: Family Advent Nights.

So far, we’ve done this three times, and my kids love it! I have to admit, I do too…

The Gifts of Christmas

Let me tell you up front that this is not my idea originally. Although we’ve made a few changes that fit our family better, I discovered this idea on the Familyman Ministry blog. This site is an incredible resource for men who want to be the best dads and husbands that they can be. I suggest you check it out.

Here’s the concept. Once a week, for the four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, we gather as a family after dinner. We start off with a simple craft. Our first week, the kids crafted a simple woven placemat. The next week, we made wreath ornaments out of buttons and pipe cleaners. This week, we colored gift bags. The crafts are simple, yet fun. I ordered a kit with all four crafts in it from Familyman Ministries. It was extremely inexpensive. See the kit here.

After the craft session, we head out into the living room for some deeper family togetherness. We start off by lighting a candle (or more) on our Advent wreath. While this is burning, we read a passage from the Bible coinciding with the week of Advent we are in. Again, the Familyman website has specific details. My older kids take turns reading parts of the passage, and then we pray.

The Gift Of Hope

This is part of the series The Gifts Of The Holidays: Celebrating Thanksgiving And Christmas. Read more from the series!

Another gift that God gives to us is the gift of hope.

The Gifts Of Christmas

Hope has always been kind of a vague concept for me. I decided to look it up. Here are a few of the definitions found on dictionary.com:

  • The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
  • A person or thing in which expectations are centered.
  • Something that is hoped for.
  • To look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
  • To believe, desire, or trust.

The first and third definitions don’t really convey much meaning. But the other three really speak to our faith, don’t they?

The Gift Of Joy

This is part of the series The Gifts Of The Holidays: Celebrating Thanksgiving And Christmas. Read more from the series!

Let’s take a look at another gift that God desires to give us: the gift of joy.

The Gifts Of Christmas

Joy is not the same as happiness. Happiness is an emotion; and it comes and goes. Joy is an action. Joy is something that remains steady, no matter what life throws at us.

The angels proclaimed the birth of Jesus to be “good news of great joy” when they announced his birth to the shepherds:

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)

The rest of the New Testament gives us a much broader definition of what joy is. Here are a few characteristics:

The Gift Of Peace

This is part of the series The Gifts Of The Holidays: Celebrating Thanksgiving And Christmas. Read more from the series!

There are several gifts that God gives us that are closely tied to Christ’s birth. Over the next couple of weeks, we will look at several of them.

The first of that comes to mind is the gift of peace.

The Gifts Of Christmas

Luke 2:14 says:

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to men on whom His favor rests.

The angels cried peace on the night of Christ’s birth. But what does that mean?

Dictionary.com defines peace as…

A state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations.

That’s good, but it doesn’t quite explain just what it is that God is giving us through Christ.