This morning, my daughter is delivering a devotion to FCT (Fellowship of Christian Teens) at her school. She asked me to help her develop something to share for that meeting, and in so doing, found much that I needed to pay attention to in my own life as well.

James is a very practical letter found in the back of the New Testament. These short chapters are filled with nuggets of advice that can help each one of us with day-to-day living. As my daughter and I talked about things she could share for her devotion, a short passage from James 1, verses 19-20, came to mind and we began to look at it.
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
This passage breaks itself naturally into three main points, with an application following in the second verse (this is the preacher in me coming out). These three points are three steps that we can take to develop spiritual character in our lives. While they are simple, they aren’t necessarily easy. However, these three things will go a long way to helping each of us to become more of the person that God desires us to be.