Book Review – The Entitlement Cure by Dr. John Townsend

The Entitlement Cure“Today we live in a culture that says, ‘Life should be easy and work well.’ This attitude, called entitlement, influences our most important institutions: family, business, church, and government. It’s devastating effects contribute to relational problems, work ethic issues, and emotional struggles. It comes down to this: People are not getting to where they want to go, because they don’t know how to do life the hard way. Entitlement keeps them from tackling challenges and finding success. There is a better way.” – Dr. John Townsend, The Entitlement Cure

One of the greatest plagues on our society in modern times is the attitude of entitlement. My wife and I have long recognized this, and are striving to eliminate this attitude from our own lives, as well as the lives of our children. But it is difficult!

The attitude of entitlement believes that I deserve certain things in my life. I deserve to be treated a certain way. I deserve to have the best.

But that is simply not true. Not at all.

Dr. John Townsend has written a new book that examines this attitude, and seeks to find a way to cure it from our lives. The Entitlement Cure examines this dangerous attitude, and suggests that when we do hard things the right way, we find out that our lives have so much more meaning.

The Entitlement Cure provides a toolbox full of resources and strategies that can help address this attitude, both in your own life, and in the lives of people around you that you know and love.

I found a lot of great suggestions in this book to help me address the attitude of entitlement in my own life, and in my family. However, the only problem with this book is that I will have to read it again and again in order to manage all of the opportunities it offers. There is a lot of great stuff packed into these pages!

Along with Boundaries, and some of Townsend’s other books, The Entitlement Cure will certainly be a great resource, both for ministry and family life. I highly encourage you to grab a copy and read it. You will be glad you did!

Question: How have you experienced the attitude of entitlement? What do you do to combat it? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

If you are interested in reading The Entitlement Cure, by Dr. John Townsend, you can purchase it at in print or for Kindle. You can also pick up a copy of Boundaries, mentioned above, both in print and for Kindle as well.

I received this book free from Dr. John Townsend as a part of the book’s launch team. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.