Business Cards

I created some business cards this week for my blog.  I’m not sure that I’m ready to make the jump into this being a full-fledged business, but as I write more, and develop more content, I thought it might be a good idea to have something to hand out to people when I talk about my site.

Plus, my last name is always misspelled.  It seems like people always want to make it “Randallman” for some reason.  Very rarely does someone get it right without me having to correct them.  This way, there’s not chance of them misspelling it, only a chance of them losing the card.

I designed two different types of cards.  I couldn’t decide which one I liked best, so I ordered both of them.  That solved my dilemma quite nicely.

Here’s my first design.  It mirrors my site header pretty closely:

Design 1 - Front

Here’s my second design.  It also mirrors my site, but I tweaked things a bit.

Design 2 - Front

Design 2 - Back

I’ve been thinking about this since I read a post about it on  After several weeks of pondering the idea, I finally just sat down and created these cards.

And, if you’re looking for a great resource for great looking business cards, with a fast turn-around, take a peek at GR Print.  They’ve served me well several times, and I expect no less this time.  Plus, 1000 cards cost less than $10.00!  Not bad for two-sides, glossy business cards!

I would love your input.  Which card do you like better?


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

12 thoughts on “ Business Cards

  1. That's a great idea. I've thought of doing something like this too when I get a little further with my blog. It seems like a great way to get the word out to people without being too obtrusive.

    Out of your two designs, I like the first better. The second seems to limit the perception to just book reviews. The first one opens the door for so much more. Plus, the phrase 'passionately pursuing the Creator' sets a powerful tone and is likely to create intrigue.

    • Thanks, Steven. I hadn't really though about the second one implying that it's mainly about book reviews, but you're right. However, that was my main purpose in starting a blog, so I guess it kinda fits. I may use it as a more specific card for book review purposes… whatever that may be.

      And I agree with your comments about my catchphrase. I love the statement it makes.

      Thanks for the input!

  2. I like them both and am really glad that I don't have to make the choice. I think I am leaning more towards the second one though. Have fun.

  3. I follow closely but must've missed that post. This is an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing.

    As for the cards, I like the first one. The logo looks professional and the colors flow great. 🙂

    • It's been a while. The post I linked to was from last October. You should check it out. Good stuff, but then almost all of John's stuff is excellent.

      And thanks for the input. I'm excited to get them. They should be here on Monday!

  4. I love the first one Jeff. Hey I am looking for a logo for my church for our 140th anniversary. Any ideas. Also am looking at a new outreach program for the church. Any ideas are welcome.

    • Thanks, Jeff.

      As for logos, check out students in WG that have an interest in design. That's always a great place to start looking. They don't have to go to your church, and this just might be a good opportunity to see what the church is all about.

      Second place I'd look is at OCC. Look for a student that has some experience/played with graphic design.

      It's cheaper than hiring a firm, and gives a student's work some great exposure.

      Hope that helps!

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