American Indian Christian Mission

This week, I have the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Show Low, Arizona, with two of my daughters. We are headed to American Indian Christian Mission for a week, to work on their facilities at the mission compound, and to conduct some services and Vacation Bible School activities on the White Mountain Apache reservation.

We are looking forward to the opportunity to grow in our faith, and I am excited to be able to do this with two of my kids.

In the meantime, things will be quiet around here for the next week and a half. The weekend quotes, memorize Philippians, and Coffee Breaks will continue, but any additional content will pause for a few days until we return home.

Thanks for being a part of the community! We would appreciate your prayers for our trip!

AICM 2015

Creation Truth Foundation

This weekend, and for most of the following week, we have the opportunity to host Creation Truth Foundation at our church.

CTF is an organization that focus on teaching the truth of Scripture, particularly that of the book of Genesis. In order to hold a biblical worldview, the question of our origins must be answered. But many people do not understand, or even know, what the Bible says about or origins.

Dr. G. Thomas Sharp, Dr. Charles Jackson, and Matt Miles will be at Cabool Christian Church April 12-16 to teach the historical truth found in the book of Genesis.

If you are close enough to attend, we would love to see you.

Creation Truth Foundation

CCC Men’s Retreat

This weekend, several men from our church are headed out for a Men’s Retreat. The past couple of week have been pretty busy getting everything in place and all the plans solidified.

Our theme is Overcome. We will be looking at three prime areas that men have to overcome the mindset of our culture: as a believer, as a husband, and as a father.

Please keep our weekend in your prayers! We have a lot of men who need some encouragement, and our goal is for this weekend retreat to provide some of that for them.

Overcome Men's Retreat

New Baby On The Way!

My deepest apologies for the slowness of things around here for the last few weeks. You may already know that my wife and I are expecting our seventh child, and she is due next week.

As a result, we have been going to doctor appointments every other week, and every week for the past month. Her doctor is an hour away, so that takes up some time each time we go.

That has resulted in fewer opportunities to write than I like. That will smooth out before long though.

Your prayers are appreciated for our family. If Mercy Dawn hasn’t arrived by next Wednesday, and induction is planned. One way or another, it seems as if we will get to meet this little girl in the next week.

Thanks for your prayers and support as we add this new life to our family!

CIY Wilderness

Wilderness LogoThis week will be a slow week around I am headed to Bear Trap Ranch, outside of Colorado Springs for CIY Wilderness. I’m looking forward to the week in the mountains, and the renewal that will happen in my spirit. Since I’ll be out of the normal routine, there will only be a minimal amount of activity here. My normal, weekly posts will appear as scheduled, including the Saturday Quote, Sunday’s Memorize Scripture, and Monday’s Coffee Break.

Normal activity will resume next week.

Keep me in your prayers for the week, as I seek to listen closely to God and refresh my spirit. Pray that I return renewed and ready to tackle the challenges of ministry for the coming months.

Oklahoma Trip

This week will be a slow week around  I’m taking one of my sons to Oklahoma to go rock and fossil hunting.  As a result, there will only be a minimal amount of activity here.  My normal, weekly posts will appear as scheduled, including the Saturday Quote, Sunday’s Memorize Scripture, and Monday’s Coffee Break.

Normal activity will resume next week.

Wish us luck.  My son hopes to find some pretty cool fossils and rocks, but whether we do or don’t, it will be some good time spent with him.