Coffee Break – 10.1.2012

Coffee Break

Welcome to Coffee Break!

Once a week, I will post a brief list of five or six things I found around the web over the previous week. Some will be lighthearted and fun; others will be inspirational. Some will challenge your thinking; others will give your brain a break.

So go ahead, pour a cup of coffee and enjoy!

Good Coffee, Good Gear – Dear Coffee, I Love You has posted a video from Coffee Circle that simply captivates. The main idea behind the video is this: the best coffee comes from using the best gear. With a Hario kettle, a V60 dripper, and a Chemex in my arsenal, I fully agree.

DIY Nutella – My kids love Nutella, that chocolate-hazelnut flavored peanut butter replacement. I’m not as big of a fan, but if we can make our own, it may be more fun and taste better too! I think we just might give it a shot.

Symmetrical Procedures – Judith Ann Braun creates some very unique art. Her rules are simple: symmetry, abstraction, and a carbon medium. With only those boundaries, her art is fascinating to look at, and borders on creative genius.

Amazing Macro Photos of Morning Dew On Insects – David Chambon has an excellent series of macro photographs of insects. What most people see as ugly and disgusting, he reveals as beauty. This series of shots has been compiled on, but you can see much more at Chambon’s website.

5 Reasons To Consider Writing A Book – Creativity comes in all shapes and sizes. While I tend to be primarily visually oriented, as with my love of nature and landscape photography, I also enjoy creating using the written word. An overwhelmingly large percentage of the population believes that they have a book in them, but few ever write it. Michael Hyatt, who used to be the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers explains five reasons you should consider writing that book.

You Need An Inner Strength Reminder – Check out the Time With Tracy blog for some great insights in surviving a chaotic life. In this particular post, she writes about the need to stop and take a breather in order to refocus our energy more effectively. She has a visual reminder in her life to do this: a certain coffee cup. For me, it’s a keychain tag with the GPS coordinates of a certain peaceful location in the mountains of Colorado.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle