I have long been a fan of Thom Rainer and his books on church leadership and church growth. But one of his most recent works may just be his best yet. Although it is small, and you can sit down and read it in a couple of hours or an evening, Rainer’s book, Becoming A Welcoming Church, is one of the most vital works on how to attract people to our churches, and how to retain them. To use a phrase he repeats often within these pages, it’s a gospel issue.
Let’s face it. Church culture in western culture is largely running from 35-50 years behind the times. In other words, what worked in the 60s, 70s, or even in the 80s or 90s, doesn’t work anymore in 2018. And if we are going to present a life-saving message to a word that needs to hear it, our methods need to change to something the culture can hear and respond to. That means, among other things, that we need to make sure that when we have a guest in our churches, we make them feel loved and welcome, and give them a reason to come back. Because the more they return, the more they have the opportunity to hear the message of the gospel. It’s that important.
Rainer’s book covers every aspect of what a first time guest might experience. From the church website to the welcome center and greeters, he covers it all. To read this through in one sitting is easy. But to really absorb what he is saying, you might need to read it again and again, and pass it on to other leaders in your church.
It’s time to take a look at our churches with fresh eyes, to see how we can best present ourselves, and the Christ we serve, to a world who is watching. And Becoming A Welcoming Church might just be the jump start you need to embark on that journey.
I highly recommend that you pick up a copy of Thom Rainer’s Becoming A Welcoming Church and read it. You will be challenged to become a more welcoming church.
Ratings & Details For Becoming A Welcoming Church:
- Genre/Style: Church Leadership
- Purpose/Premise: 10 of 10 stars
- Spiritual Content: 10 of 10 stars
- Readability/Flow: 10 of 10 stars
- Cover: 10 of 10 stars
- Overall Rating: 10 of 10 stars
Question: How would you rate your church in this area? Do you think you would rate it the same after reading a book like this? You can leave a comment by clicking here.