Top Posts For August 2013

Fall has arrived! Even though the heat of summer is still hanging around, school has started, Friday evenings are full of football, and I have an incredible urge to roast hot dogs over a bonfire.

After a busy summer getting settled into our new routine, in a new ministry and location, it feels good to be settling in and getting established in our home, our church and our community.

August 2013 Word Picture from

Although fall will probably be just as busy as the summer has been, I’m looking forward to what it brings. I have a lot of things on the horizon for, and though it may take some time to get them all accomplished and implemented, I am looking forward to the work involved. So stay tuned, some pretty cool things are coming.

In case you missed them, here are my top seven posts for the month of August:

  1. The Difference Between Purpose, Vision, and Mission
  2. Why You Need To Develop A Philosophy Of Ministry
  3. Trying A New Bible Reading System
  4. 7 Steps To Defining A Purpose And Vision For Youth Ministry
  5. A New Bible Reading Plan – 9 Months Later
  6. 10 Benefits Of Consistent Journaling
  7. My Current Philosophy Of Ministry

The past couple of months have seen a significant increase in my writing schedule, and yet most of the posts that make this list each month are older posts that seem to gather a lot of attention consistently. Almost all of these posts are from the Foundations Of Youth Ministry series. And, interestingly, my post on Trying A New Bible Reading System, and the follow up post from almost a year later, both made the list together. That tells me that people are clicking through on the links I have in most of my posts.

My favorite post from August was a two part series on How To Take Notes While Reading A Book, and its companion post, How To Take Notes While Reading The Bible. These are something that I have developed over years of reading and study, and I find these methods to be pretty effective. So I decided to share them here so others can benefit.

I’m excited to see what fall brings into my life and into my writing. I hope you stay connected so that you can find out as well. If so, would you consider subscribing so that each new post arrives in your inbox? Or, you can subscribe via RSS as well. Thanks!

Have a great month!

If you are a blogger, leave a comment with your top post for the month. If you don’t blog, leave a comment with a favorite post or blog that you read this month.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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